Streetball adalah varian dari basket, biasanya dimainkan pada bermain. While there are variants of streetball itself, all are characterized by emphasis on individual skills and flashy moves. Walaupun ada varian dari streetball itu sendiri, semua ditandai dengan penekanan pada keterampilan individu dan bergerak mencolok.
- Streetball has its origins in black neighborhoods in Washington, DC, and New York City in the early 1900s. Streetball memiliki asal-usulnya di pemukiman hitam di Washington, DC, dan New York City di awal 1900-an. Its popularity grew with explosive city growth in the immediate post-World War I years. Popularitasnya tumbuh dengan pertumbuhan kota ledakan di pasca-Perang Dunia segera aku tahun.
- Soon leagues began to take form, such as the Black Basketball League, Interscholastic Athletic Association and the Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Association. Segera liga mulai mengambil bentuk, seperti Black Basketball League, Interscholastic Athletic Association dan berwarna antar perguruan Athletic Association. By the 1940s, streetball teams were competing with all-white teams across the country. Pada tahun 1940-an, tim streetball yang bersaing dengan semua tim putih di seluruh negeri.
- In the 1950s, a World War II veteran, Holcomb Rucker, established a basketball tournament in New York's Harlem. Pada 1950-an, veteran Perang Dunia II, Holcomb Rucker, didirikan sebuah turnamen bola basket di New York Harlem. The court where the tournament takes place, Rucker Park, became a launching pad or developing location for many NBA greats, such as Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Julius Erving. Pengadilan mana turnamen berlangsung, Rucker Park, menjadi batu loncatan atau mengembangkan lokasi NBA hebat, seperti Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Julius Erving dan.
- In 2001, at the time Allen Iverson--one of the stars in the NBA viewed as having the streetball aesthetic--led the Philadelphia 76ers to the NBA Finals, athletic shoe company AND 1 launched its nationwide streetball tours. Pada tahun 2001, pada saat Allen Iverson - salah satu bintang di NBA dipandang sebagai memiliki estetika streetball - memimpin Philadelphia 76ers ke final NBA, perusahaan sepatu atletik DAN 1 diluncurkan wisata nasional yang streetball.
- Streetball is well-represented in pop culture--from TV commercials to video games. Streetball baik terwakili dalam budaya pop - dari iklan TV untuk bermain video game. Also, Rucker Park has earned a reputation as a place where even established basketball stars need to prove that they still play the game at top level. Juga, Rucker Park memiliki reputasi sebagai tempat di mana bahkan didirikan bintang basket perlu membuktikan bahwa mereka masih bermain di tingkat atas.